Jacob McBride
PT, MPT, Senior Physical Therapist Chautauqua Physical and Occupational Therapy MayvillePhysical TherapyBiographical Info
Jake graduated from Gannon University in 2004 with a degree in psychology and a Master’s in Physical Therapy. He has completed all the McKenzie courses, and is currently working towards his certification. He also completed McGill Level 1-3 certification for back pain, precise diagnosis and high-performance training. He has been a part of our team since 2010. He is an avid golfer, bocce player and enjoys snowboarding.
“Teaching my patients how to address their pain and how to prevent it from returning is something that never gets old. Each patient is unique and when I am able to use my skills to help get relief, it is very rewarding.”
Categories: Chautauqua Physical and Occupational Therapy Mayville, Occupational Therapy
Updated 10 months ago.