Read to Me TCC

TCC Dunkirk Pediatrics has been using the nationally recognized Reach Out and Read program for many years. Starting in October 2021, TCC Jamestown has joined the effort with a similar program called Read to Me TCC. Children will receive a book at each well visit – which occur more frequently for younger patients. From age 0-5, patients will receive a total of ten books. After that, children will receive books on an annual basis. Books are available in English and Spanish.
“I love using books during appointments,” explained Dr. Paul Robbins, TCC pediatrician. “They are a great tool to assess fine motor skills and developmental milestones. It also gives me the chance to role model reading aloud to parents, which is very helpful especially for new parents.”
The connection between reading and health care is not very well known, however the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends providing books to children as an essential aspect of well childcare. Recent research shows reading failure disproportionately affects children from socially and economically disadvantaged families and contributes to continuing the cycle of poverty.
“My patients are so thankful to receive a book from us,” said Jennifer Janocha, TCC physician assistant and certified lactation counselor. “We are helping to spark children’s interest in reading and to increase parents’ awareness of the importance of reading to their children.”
For more information on our medical services for kids, see our pediatrics page.