podiatry services
about our podiatry services
Located in our Dunkirk, New York, Offices
- diabetic foot care
- fungal toenail debridement and management
- painful callus care and debridement
- plantar wart debridement/cryotherapy
- ingrown toenail removal
- management of musculoskeletal problems (foot/ankle sprains, fractures, contusions, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis [including heel and joint corticosteroid injections]
- flat feet and high-arched feet
- bunions/hammertoes
- peripheral neuropathy
- neuromas
- removal of foreign bodies
- wound care and limb salvage (debridement, application of skin grafts, amputations)
- arthritis (gouty, OA, RA, PA as it relates to the foot)
- skin lesions of the foot (punch biopsy, surgical excision)
- PAD/venous insufficiency/lymphedema